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LGBT+ History Month

by Trish Murray 10 Feb 2023 0 Comments

As we celebrate LGBT+ History Month this year, I started to think what it means to me, and why we celebrate this month, as well as our fabulous Prides throughout the year.

Rather than the party celebrations of Pride, LGBT+ History Month allows us to mark the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and non-binary history makers that fought the system, so we have the freedom we have today, and it is February in the UK because it coincides with the abolition of Section 28 n 2003.

For me personally, LGBT+ History Month is a celebration of who we are and a recognition of those who came before us, those who fought to give us the equality we have today. These people, many of whom were as ordinary as you and I, stood shoulder to shoulder to fight for our rights, and are the people who we owe a gratitude of thanks. So, for me, this month is a month of reflection and gratitude, and in my own way, remembering my small part in it all.

My History.

When I was born in the mid 60’s being gay was still illegal in the UK, and it wasn’t until 1967 when the Sexual Offences Act partially legalised same-sex acts in the UK between men over the age of 21. Before then it was a punishable offence, with horrific sentencing. We only have to look at the lives of Alan Turing and Oscar Wilde to see how they lived and died for being gay.

But 1967 was a turning point for the UK, igniting the desire for equality, and with the 1969 Stonewall Riots in NYC added fuel to this fire, the UK saw its first ‘Pride’ in July of 1972 in London, with groups like the Gay Liberation Front marching through the city demanding change, but more importantly being a visible force. 1972 was the year I turned 7, and since then so much has changed, with our rights going forward and backward, until we are where we are today.

I remember the AIDs adverts that made my older brothers hate the ‘gays’; the introduction of Clause 28 in 1988, 2 years after it was ‘legal’ for me to have sex, because in 1988 gay men still had to reach 21 before they could have fun. I remember the horror of the Admiral Duncan bombing, and joining the marches and protests in Manchester, in a fight to ban Clause 28.

But I also remember the joy of my first Pride in 1996, the legal age coming down to 18, and finally 16; the introduction of Civil Partnerships, and same sex marriages, something a young boy in the early 1970’s could only dream about.

 A Celebration

This month allows us to celebrate everything that is this fabulous community of ours, especially with so many more role models becoming visible representations of the community, from athletes and sportspeople to actors and musicians; becoming the protestors of today, simply by coming out and being visible in their field of expertise, and making the UK and the world see what LGBTQIA+ representation looks like. We are a world of diversity, and we are something to be celebrated.

So, this LGBT+ History Month wear your Rainbow Pins, your Red Ribbons, your Pink Triangles, or any other representation of your life with pride and knowledge that the ones who came before us, fought against the odds, and helped forge the way to the life we have today. I will go home tonight and kiss my husband, and spare a moment to say thank you to the force of nature that is the LGBTQIA+ community.

Love Phil and all the team at Nice 'n' Naughty

LGBTQIA+ is an inclusive term that includes people of all genders and sexualities, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, and allies. While each letter in LGBTQIA+ stands for a specific group of people, the term encompasses the entire spectrum of gender fluidity and sexual identities.

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