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Prostate Play – It's time to find out what you are missing out on!

by Trish Murray 18 Sep 2024 0 Comments

If you've never experienced the pleasure of prostate play, then you are missing out on some intense joy, and it’s time to discover what you are missing!

 With a bit of time and skill, you can tap into the incredible ecstasy that comes from massaging this gland, located just a few inches inside the anus. So, let us help you unleash unstoppable full-body orgasms, hands-free 'super-orgasms’, and even multiple climaxes, simply by massaging this little jewel of a gland.

Prostate Massagers - What's all the buzz about?

If you’ve never enjoyed the thrill of prostate play, then you’re missing out. Discovering your prostate gland – or your P-spot – isn't that difficult, but truly harnessing its pleasure-giving potential can take a bit of time and skill, which is why we’re here to help.

Located a few inches inside the anus on the wall closest to the stomach, the prostate gland, is an incredible epicentre of pleasure, and massaging it can lead to explosive sensations of joy!

What are prostate massagers?

Simply put, prostate massagers are toys that are expertly designed to stimulate the highly sensitive P-spot. I'd recommend trying to have an exploration first to locate, as we all have bodies that are a little different, it’s good to find yours. The easiest way to discover the area is with a finger but trust your instincts and explore the area with what feels most satisfying to you. Once you've hit the spot it is time to get ready to experience intense, mind-blowing P-spot orgasms, with the help of our selection of vibrating and non-vibrating prostate sex toys.

Most prostate toys have a gradual point for easy insertion and a round top for precise stimulation. Several models (especially the vibrating versions) have an external arm that targets the perineum, the sensitive area between the anus and scrotum, for heightened intensity and a unique angle of prostate stimulation. We even have massagers that come with a wireless remote, providing ease of control and effortless anal vibrations at the click of a button.

It’s a good idea, when looking at your massager to consider the size of this too! While larger prostate massagers may appear to be for the more advanced user, they are perfect for beginners as they allow for easier finding of your P-spot. On the other hand, smaller massagers with a narrow tip may be more challenging to find the prostate gland but will deliver a more intense experience due to the pinpoint precision of the stimulation.

When it comes to prostate massagers, the decision to include vibrations is one only you can make. But keep in mind that you can always turn off vibrations if you're not a fan, but you can't add them to a non-vibrating prostate massager if you want some extra zoom.

Regardless of which type you choose, the way you use them is very much the same.

How to Play with Prostate Toys.

Step 1: Cleanliness is the key

We all know what the job of your bottom is, and it's not rocket science to know a little prep beforehand will help make the experience that little bit better. Ensuring you are completely clean before experiencing anal play not only promotes hygiene but also allows you to fully enjoy your prostate experience. Plus a little preparation with the douche and water is a great way to begin the pleasure sensation of anal play.

For most of us, using the toilet that day and jumping in the shower or tub can be all you need. But if you want a squeaky-clean time, then break out the secret weapon - The Anal Douche!

If you decide to use one, then make sure you do this about 45 minutes before playtime. Also, use warm water as this helps relax the muscles. We all know what jumping into cold water does to us, and it’s the same inside your bottom.

Also, like all adult toys, you need to make sure your prostate massager is good and clean before and after play, especially after play!

When enjoying anal play, there is always going to be the risk of residue showing up on your toy after play. It’s a natural occurrence of inserting toys into the bum, but you don’t want to leave it there. Bacteria love these little bits of body waste, and if not cleaned off, it can transfer to the body the next time you play. And you won't like the results!

So always clean after play, following the guidelines for your toy, especially if power is involved, as you don't want to get battery compartments wet! The best way to clean is with warm soapy water and a good anti-bacterial toy cleaner, making sure your toy is clean and dry before you put it away.

Lube Makes the World Go Round!

When playing with any toy, lube adds to the pleasure, but it's never more prevalent than with anal play, as your bottom is not a self-lubricating organ! Regardless of how often you play with toys, you should always add some lube to your prostate playtime, and a generous application of lube will help with the slip and slide and add to the stimulation of the play.

But which lube to use? There is a range of Anal Lubricants that are designed for bum fun, and this is generally thicker but generally water-based is always the safest and best option, as this is compatible with all types of toy materials, and washes away easily after play has ended, leaving both you and your toy squeaky clean!

On Your Marks, Get Set, PLAY

With anal play, it also important that you get yourself relaxed and ready for the fun. Make sure to use a gradual approach when inserting the prostate massager anally, especially if it is larger than what you're used to. It is a good idea to warm up with your favourite anal toy or fingers beforehand. Then as you become more comfortable, it's time to ease in the prostate massager!

Remember to lube up your massager, get yourself in a comfortable position, ready for insertion. This could be bent over, or lying on your back with your knees bent or legs raised; while supporting the body with the bed, sofa, or garden bench if you’re an outdoorsy sort of person! But make sure you have the toy and lube in easy reach of your booty.

Then with the massager lubed up, gently ease it into your anal canal, little by little, allowing your body to adjust to the size, and if at any time the pain is too much stop, relax, re-lube and re-load!

Remember, it’s not a race, you haven’t got to get it all in, shoot your shot and go. Take your time and relax; enjoy the experience. After all, your body will relax as it adjusts to these new sensations and feelings. It's important to remember, anal play should be fun!

A tip if you are still struggling to insert, despite being lubed up and relaxed. Try bearing down, as if you were going to a ‘bowel movement’. This will help to open up the muscles in your anal canal, as you are ‘pushing out’.

Find your inner joy!

Ok, the toy is in, now what? Grip the base and start with a slight rubbing motion, manoeuvring the toy around your prostate gland, making mental notes of where your most sensitive spots are.

Some vibrating massagers have movement as well as vibration within the shaft, allowing you to let it do the exploring for you, but remember you can still give it a little hand if you find your most sensitive P-Spot of Joy!

There are many ways of adding to the pleasure of prostate play. Add some pressure to the area where you experience the most joy, and either rock the toy back and forth or up and down. You will know when it’s hitting the prostate, and by adding the pressure of the movement, many users find this will bring them closer if not all the way to climax.

The more you play, and the more experienced you get with stimulating your prostate in this way, you may find you can reach a hands-free climax simply with the clench and release of muscles around the massager, letting the toy's vibrations or movement do the work in the body, to achieve your goal.

Remember to explore the functions of your toy if it’s an ‘all singing-all dancing’ vibrating toy, as some settings will provide more stimulation than others, and you will want to find the ones that create the build-up and blow that you like!

Don't get discouraged if the first time you play or the first toy you use doesn't do it for you. Remember - we are all unique and it's all about finding what works for you. So take your time with your toy, try different positions, different depths and movements, until you find the perfect spot. You will find the best fit, angle, and sensation to ignite your passion, it's all about experimenting until you find the one that's just right for you.

So, relax, lie back and Enjoy!

Love from all at Nice ‘n’ Naughty

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